Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here
This website is devoted to providing coping strategies and tools to help reduce the impact of stress in our everyday lives. It is important to start with what we are already doing well and build upon our own talents and abilities to create the coping plan that is best suited for us. I am writing this as "us" because I am on this same journey as you are. I offer techniques that have worked for many of my clients over the years and i use them myself as well.
Check out the offerings and let us know what you think.

David P. Bullis, PhD
Are You Ready For a Change?
Since 1994, I’ve been helping my clients find their optimal wellness through developing a deeper understanding of their habits and lifestyle choices. As a psychologist I aim to create a life balance that prioritizes your well-being and celebrates all aspects of your true self. It’s time to start nurturing your body and soul again.